Voici une sélection de liens utiles. Nous recommandons fortement que vous visitez les clubs mentionnés si possible...
Here are a selection of useful links. We strongly recommend you visit the clubs mentioned if at all possible...
Discussion Boards
Other Kempo clubs
Peterborough Goshin Ryu Kempo Jujitsu (fellow founder member club of BKS):
D'Autres clubs Kempo
Highly recommend other clubs
Small Circle Ju Jitsu Europe (Prof Leon Jay)
Malvern Eskrima: (Sensei Marcie Harding)
Ressources utiles
Useful resources
diagrams:Useful resources
Magasins d'Arts Martiaux
Martial Arts Shops
arts gear on eBay:
Martial Arts Shops
Ultimate force martial arts store:
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